Ok 3 things you should know about me before we move forward...
#1 - I will be posting a lot about my dog/pets
#2 - I am a little weird... but in a "I think I'm funny" kind of way
#3 - I can be vulgar/graphic so this is probably is not for you young ones (No one under 16)
..... ok.... moving on.....
THIS IS MY PINEAPPLE NAMED GORDO *insert pineapple emoji*
Gordo is named after Gordo from Lizzy McGuire.... if you do not know what or who Lizzy McGuire is you are way too young to even be on the internet.. please don't make me tell your mom.
Alright I know you all are wondering why on earth I named a pineapple Gordo, and why I even named one in the first place. I AM NOT A CRAZY PERSON AND THIS IS NOT MY IMAGINARY FRIEND. Gordo was a prop in a photoshoot once upon a time and I felt he deserved a name before we exploited him for all of his aesthetic qualities.
I love pineapples just an FYI.. So of course Gordo was sliced and diced into cubes and devoured a few hours later.
If you must know.. I named him Gordo because he was a little plump. More plump than the other pineapples at my local store.. Yes I CHOSE him BECAUSE he was plump. WHY?? Because there is more inside a plump pineapple than a skinny pineapple... Duh. Anyway, I also had watched The Lizzy McGuire Movie earlier that day so it all makes sense really..
My next fruit photoshoot will be featuring the giant peach named James... If you don't understand this then GTFO..
Your next question is most likely "why are you posting about a pineapple anyway?"
Well to answer this question I would have to understand my own mind... which I do not and I probably wont ever understand it. I guess the best answer you will get is that it is 2:00am and I needed to post at least one thing before I went to bed. Why? Because I set this unrealistic goal for myself earlier saying that I would post at least one thing everyday.... LOL. *insert crying laughing emoji*
I can't promise that my next post wont be as random or as weird.. I mean whats the fun in boring and normal??
Laters babes..♥ -cj